Hate Speech

Leroy v. France

Shaheen Abdullah v Union of India

The Supreme Court directs Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand and Delhi Governments to take Suo motu action against hate speech crimes without waiting for formal complaints irrespective of the religion of the offender.

Hösl-Daum and Others v. Poland

The applicants were charged with insulting the Polish nation and inciting national hatred. They alleged a breach of their right to freedom of expression on account of their conviction for putting up posters in the German language describing atrocities committed after the Second World War by the Polish and the Czechs against the Germans. The Court declared the application inadmissible for non-exhaustion of domestic remedies. It found that, by failing to lodge a constitutional complaint against the impugned provisions of the Criminal Code, the applicants had failed to exhaust the remedy provided for by Polish law.

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